R O L F J. M E T Z G E R 1 9 6 0 - 2 0 0 8
Mexico mourns the passing of its Founder and President
We of the Mexico family were deeply saddened by the death of our founder and president, Rolf J. Metzger, this past November 2, 2008. Rolf will be sorely missed
by his family, friends and all of us who work here. Given his close connection to Mexico and its culture, perhaps his choosing
El Día de los Muertos to leave us was his way of having the last laugh.
¡Adiós querido amigo!
The Company Founder and President - Rolf Metzger. Rolf completed graduate work in geography, specializing in Mexico, at San Diego State University. In 1992 he wrote the book Baja California: Business Opportunities And Retirement Guide. He was also the producer of the nationally syndicated AM radio talkshow Mexico Today, and in 1993 created the original Mexico Online service.
In addition to our San Diego, California office, we have several regional representatives throughout Mexico, including:
with new locations being added. Our regional representatives are independent agents and provide web publishing services in their area. Feel free to learn more about our program for independent representatives.
How To Reach Us:
For questions about Mexico, try our Frequently Asked Questions first. Unfortunately, MEXonline.com cannot answer any specific questions about things like visas, passports, getting married, or phone numbers or people in Mexico beyond what we already have published on the web site. Sorry, but we're a small company and it's a big country.