Guadalajara Hot Springs

New Woman Magazine says:

"a unpretentious and inexpensive that even budget minded guests come back ...for a month at a time.."

Do you love travel and warm weather? Want rest, relaxation, stress relief, Yoga, deep massage?. Time for yourself to reflect, relax, revitalize, enjoy guided nature hikes and unforgettable sunsets. How about being pampered at a friendly, unpretentious, rustic nature getaway? A secluded wellness resort & hotel, where you can finally let your hair down, relax and really savor those delicious, balanced gourmet meals? Enter the enchanting forest retreat, eco spa Rio Caliente Natural Hot Springs. Feel the mystique of the hot river source at this ancient Huichol healing center in one of the top two climates on Earth -- according to National Geographic. Here, you can enjoy both, the company of kindred spirits and quality solo time. Care free. Away from stress. At incredible inclusive rates...


Every bedroom suite at Rio Caliente is a private retreat. Guests stay in handsome cottages that are a charming mix of handmade ceramic tiles, hand-crafted furniture and pretty woven fabrics, with their own fireplace and private tiled bath with shower or tub. Laundry and pressing services are available. Guests can choose from single, double or triple bed rooms depending on their inclination or the size of their budget.


Meals at Rio Caliente are not just a social occasion, but a wonderful culinary experience. The grain-based, complex carbohydrate, low fat, no salt cuisine includes fresh fruits and vegetables and optional dairy products which are served in a generous buffet style. Food such as this is so accessible to metabolic processes that nothing is left to be stored on the body, so it's easy to lose weight during your stay - as much as a half-pound a day - without effort.


Rio Caliente is surrounded and sheltered by the Sierra La Primavera, part of a magnificent belt of long extinct volcanic mountains. From deep underground comes the hot river, cradling Rio Caliente in a wide horseshoe. You can explore the varied ecology of the region -- over 50 varieties of birds, including the exotic Mot Mot, Orioles, the Squirrel-Tailed Cuckoo and Hummingbirds and plants including Montezuma Pine, tropical Palm and Bougainvillea. The local geological deposits of Rio Caliente tell the story of numerous violent volcanic eruptions -- deposits of ash flow, pumice, obsidian and caldera-lake sediments reveal the dramatic events which gave shape to Rio Caliente

Some of the best shopping and most fascinating spots in Mexico are within an hour of Rio Caliente. The spa's van regularly takes guests to Tlaquepaque, a beautifully restored colonial town just outside Guadalajara and one of the arts and crafts centers of Mexico. Other popular Day Trip destinations are Guadalajara itself, with its market and famed Orozco murals, scenic Lake Chapala, or the village of Tequila, where Mexico's national beverage is made.

Rio Caliente Hot Springs Spa U.S. Office

To Order FREE Color Brochures
Write To:
PO. BOX 897, Millbrae
CA 94030 - USA
Guadalajara, Mexico

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