Day of the Dead Tours- Oaxaca, Mexico

Dia de los Muertos

"Oaxaca invites you to participate in one of its most important festivities - El Dia de los Muertos." During this time, the City of Oaxaca and all the surrounding villages come alive with a special beauty of flowers, food, creativity, and folklore.

Pan de Muerto The holiday represents a rich blend of Catholic and indigenous traditions, and is both a celebration for the living and for the dead. Spirits of the beloved dead are believed to return to their homes and visit for a short time with their families and friends. The first day of November the souls of departed children arrive, and on the second day they are joined by spirits of adults. Like all visitors, they are welcomed with food, drink, stories, memories, and good will. Their presence is thought of as a blessing rather than a curse, and brings joy rather than pain to their loved ones.

In preparation for this day, the last days of October are spent preparing special loaves of sweet bread ("pan de muerto"), and desserts; harvesting special flowers, including marigolds; creating altars in the home; and decorating grave sites. Decorations in the form of macabre but whimsical skeletons and candy skulls abound.

Enjoy these images from photographer Manuel Jimenez Juarez. You can reach him at Thank you for the photos Manuel.

Graveyard - Oaxaca

More photos about of The Day of the Dead in Oaxaca

Enjoy it and don't miss it!

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