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  PATZCUARO Shopping Guide

In Patzcuaro, you'll find everything you'd expect to find in any major tourism destination. The town has many stores full of clothing, crafts, pharmacies, just about anything you are looking for on your trip.

Patzcuaro is a shopper's paradise, especially if you are interested in the arts & crafts of the region (some of Mexico's finest), meeting actual artisans, or visiting traditional markets which have been in existence for hundreds of years.

Patzcuaro's Markets and Artisans
A guide to visiting these traditional markets & villages

Markets & Artisans

This region of Michoacan is famous for it's arts & crafts and the many markets which display them along with everyday items such as food and household good. Sunday is a market day in Patzcuaro (The indians from the communities around Patzcuaro come to sell their vegetables and fish).There is a famous market every Friday at San Francisco Square. The indians come to Patzcuaro to sell their pottery.

Special Markets (Tianguis)
The "Tianguis" are held at Don Vasco Square and they happen twice a year. The most important of the two is the Tianguis the D�a de Muertos. The best of Michoacan's handcrafts (everything is here) are here for a week during the Day of the Dead festivities at the end of October. (Important: If you are interested in buying something special, you should arrive at the beginning of the Tianguis as by the last days the best crafts are gone). During this market they have a contest for the best handcrafts.

Easter Week begins the second of the Tianguis. Although smaller than the Day of the Dead market, it still provides a wide range of choices and of course the town is celebrating Semana Santa (Holy Week).

Uruapan also holds a special Tianguis the Sunday before the Holy Sunday in Easter called Tianguis del Domingo the Ramos. There are handcrafts from the whole state and also a contest for the best of the best. Uruapan in 63km from Patzcuaro, but a new highway cuts down the travel time to 30 minutes or less.

Artisans in Patzcuaro
La Casa de los Once Patios
A former convent where you can find a lot of small stores together, with the representative crafts from throughout the region. At Calle Ler�n between Dr. Coss and Ense�anza.

Surrounding Don Vasco Square
You'll find many arts & crafts shops selling textile arts, lacquerwork, paintings, wood carving, jewelry, pottery & ceramic dishes, copper work, and other regional work.

Palacio de Hutzimengari
Local indians sell their wares here. The Palacio is located on Don Vasco Square.

Handcrafts in the Area
These areas or villages are famous for certain crafts and making a trip to each may result in a wonderful, unique gift.

Tocuaro: Masks carvers
Cuanajo: Carved-furniture
Tzintzuntzan: Ceramic and woven goods, also straw handcrafts
Santa Fe de la Laguna: Pottery
Ihuatzio: Tule figures
Santa Clara del Cobre: Copper crafts


Galeria Iturbe
A Powerful Collection of Michoacan Art
Exclusive Copper Jewelry from Ana Pellicer
Art Work from Francisco O�ate and Marcela Ram�rez
Inside of Mansion Iturbe

Herrajes Art�sticos
Dr. Coss #6

Dise�o y Artesan�a
Dr. Coss #1


Galeria Iturbe
Copper jewelry by famous artist Anna Pellicer
Iturbe No. 10 * Tel: (434) 2-0368


Herrajes Art�sticos

Dr. Coss No. 36 * Tel: (434) 2-0674

Dise�o y Artesan�a
Regional & International Cuisine
Dr. Coss No. 1

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