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  PATZCUARO Activities & Tours

Patzcuaro is a small colonial village rich in culture and natural beauty. Spanish colonial architecture line the cobblestone streets and the splendor of Lake Patzcuaro are both enchanting & mystical. The majority of activities are either guide or self-led walking tours of the beautiful architecture of the colonial buildings & churches.

Lake Patzcuaro
One of the highlights on your visit to Patzcuaro is a trip to Lake Patzcuaro. This lake is situated at an altitude of 2,210 meters, which makes it one of the highest lakes in Mexico and the world. A 20 minute boat ride from the lake shore dock will take you to Isla Janitzo. There you can see everything there is to see on the small island in about a three hour day trip. The fare for the boat ride is about US$3.

Enjoying the area's many festivals is another reason that many tourists come to Patzcuaro. The Day of the Dead is the headliner of Patzcuaro's festivals drawing thousands of visitors worldwide, but other festivals and events are worth seeing.


Patzcuaro Lake Tours
Tours of Patzcuaro & Michoacan
Ecological & Cultural Tours
Erongaricuaro * Tel/Fax: (434) 344-0167

S&S Tours
Personalized Small Group Tour
For Lovers of Folk Art & History
Side Tour to Monarch Butterfly Winter Sanctuary
Sierra Vista, AZ * US Tel: (800) 499-5685


Patzcuaro Lake Tours
Guided & Personal Tours
Ecological & Cultural Tours
Erongaricuaro * Tel/Fax: (434) 344-0167

Francisco Castillejas
Guided tours in the Area * English, French & German
At the Hotel Mansion Iturbe * Tel: (434) 344-0167

Prof. Jorge Guzm�n
Guided tours in the Area
At the Hotel Mansion Iturbe * Tel: (434) 342-2579

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