Mexico Lawyers
Guanajuato Lawyers

The Good News:

When visiting Mexico, we might fall in love with someone and desire marriage. Or fall in love with the country and desire to establish a business, associate with a local, buy a house, retire under the sun. This is when we need to have someone who knows the system and who knows how to help us.

The Bad News:

When visiting Mexico, it is always a good idea to cover our back with insurance and contingency plans. Just in case. Sometimes however, those precautions are not enough, specially when our lawyer in the US has no idea how the Mexican system works or when our insurance company is not willing to come down to fix a problem with Mexican authorities. This is when we need to have someone who knows the system and who knows how to help us.

Colina Ibarra Corporativo is a formally established firm in Guanajuato Its vision is to provide professional services in a variety of fields. To achieve its goal, Colina Ibarra has gathered a team of consultants with experience and know-how to serve institutions and individuals. Today, Colina Ibarra corp. has 4 years of regional positioning, giving services along the Industrial corridor, in more than 10 municipalities in the state of Guanajuato, including San Miguel de Allende and in the central states of Queretaro, Michoacan, Aguascalientes and San Luis Potosi To facilitate international operations, Colina Ibarra Corp. also has links with legal firms in San Antonio, TX.

Colina Ibarra's areas of expertise are:

  • Law
  • Business
  • Engineering
  • Design
  • Taxes
  • Criminal field investigation
  • Law
Marriages, leases, real estate operations, successions, traffic accidents, fraud, abuse of power, bails, corporate law, commercial law, administrative procedures, taxes, industrial property, notary services, work conflicts, etc.
  • Business
Human resources selections, psychometric testing, training needs analysis, training, organizational development, job analysis and task description, job salary evaluation, work atmosphere, process re-engineering, career plans, empowerment
  • Criminal
Graphology, digital prints, criminal field investigation, causality in traffic accidents, forensic ballistics, etc.
  • Engineering
  • Taxes and finance
ISR, IVA, taxes, financial statement analysis, audits, investment projects, credit projects, international business, etc.
  • International students exchange
Students exchange organization in cooperation with the Columbus University of British Columbia, Canada, the University of Guanajuato and the Universidad Iberoamericana of Leon.


With offices in Leon, Celaya, Guanajuato and Irapuato, Colina Ibarra has the central area of the country well covered and ready to serve you with 8 lawyers, 4 jurists, 1 psychologist, 1 criminologist, 1 engineer and 1 architect. Their customers include Banamex, Banorte, Bancrecer, Andre Verger, Flexi, Texon, Danone, Fiesta Americana Hotels, Best western, ING, etc.

To contact us:


Boulevard Guanajuato 19
Colonia Nuevo Guanajuato

Boulevard Diaz Ordaz 1225, despacho 201-A
Colonia las Reinas
Caoba 49-A,
Los Laureles
Calzada Tepeyac 460, despacho 410
Colonia Andrade

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