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  COPPER CANYON - Divisadero

One of Divisadero's cliff-side hotels The Divisadero and Areponapuchi train station is located 50 kilometers (30 miles) to the southwest of Creel. It is one of the most famous tourist spots of the whole Copper Canyon range. Before, it was accessible only by train, from Los Mochis or Chihuahua, but today, there is a country highway from Creel. This location has one of the most open viewpoints looking into Urique Canyon, which drops to a depth of 1,200 meters (3,960 feet).

El Divisadero offers some of the best hotels of the range and receives a great number of international visitors. Its principal attraction are the views of Urique Canyon which you'll be able to enjoy them from the rooms of some of the hotels, and the opportunity to take guided tours into the canyon.

One of Divisadero's canyon view hotels

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